
Improve Your Company’s Success .

If you’re experiencing challenges within your business’ vision, internal process, or strategy, count on Ronald M. Allen from Managing Change LLC. Our business consulting services focus on our clients’ most critical opportunities in organization, strategy, employees, and operations. We bring years of experience to ensure we capture value across your organization and goals. When your business is losing profits, lacking in goals, or experiencing a decrease in employee retention, trust us to deliver effective and long-lasting results.

Managing Organization Changes Together .

When faced with challenges, know that you are not alone. Ronald M. Allen offers strategic planning, custom training, and valuable coaching programs to get your company back in the game. Don’t watch your business fail right in front of your eyes. Ronald understands the hard work that has gone into creating a successful business. Let us help you ensure your business stays successful.


The Alignment Cycle

An Alignment Cycle is an innovative service to help a collaborative group translate their opinions on a shared topic into valuable, viable and endorsed plans. Groups using an Alignment Cycle to create their plans take 1/4 of the time to completion and enjoy superior implementation success compared with conventional collaborations. Alignment Cycles are used by Fortune 500 and midsize companies, governments and industry groups to align around strategies, innovation, mergers, policies, business process improvements, alliances and many other topics.

Benefits of Alignment Cycle. Those who have used Alignment Cycle call it the most exciting innovation in collaboration of the past years. They enjoy the following benefits:

  • significantly improved implementation success
  • increased insight into stakeholder opinions
  • decreased time to completion of initiatives
  • minimized internal resistance to change
  • increased clarity and completeness of plans
  • fact-instead of personality-based reasoning
  • increased employee engagement
  • usage

Usage Alignment Cycles are used by collaborative groups within one, between two or across multiple organizations, collaborating around a shared topic.

  • Alignment Analytics make intelligent observations about alignment so the team can pin point the necessary conversations. Misalignments are triaged for resolution, using innovative on-line techniques to reconcile. Aligned opinions are transformed into a Foundation Document (defining the group’s Case for Action), a Rich Scorecard (with quantified goals and objectives), a time-phased Road Map (including all required action and the owners of those activities), and solutions to validated Barriers to success and other foreseen constraints.
  • Within hours, the software collects a team’s complete set of opinions on a topic, with guaranteed anonymity providing peace of mind It then measures the Degree of Alignment around these opinions, within and between subgroups. Participants have an opportunity to switch where their opinion deviates from the majority, or provide reasoning for their point of view.
  • Every few months, the software assembles the current state, agreed future state and constraints, to identify any drift in commitment. Alignment Cycle delivery Alignment Cycles are delivered as a service, no need to buy and install software. Delivery is called an “Alignment Cycle” as it normally comprises three steps: (1) Measure and (2) Maximize Alignment, typically completed within 2-8 weeks, then (3) Maintain, which is designed to regain alignment around any “drift”, after implementation has started.
Damian R.

“Ronald’s contribution to our product was vital to its success. His ability to adapt, learn, motivate, and educate our employees made our jobs easier".

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I found Ronald M Allen’s style of working with me to be very compatible. My schedule and demands typically challenge most, yet his ability to have me focus on how I learn and what approach to take that I find best guided me, as a coach should.