
How do you know you are in a ‘thought’ box?

a. When does what you do, no longer result in the outcomes you anticipated?

b. When management tells you, you are not on the same field of play in your actions?

c. When does your spouse comment about your manner on an issue of discussion?

d. When your children tell their friends, they can get around what you tell them?
e. When you ask for help and no one seems to be listening nor providing you constructive feedback?

f. If you are not taught that there are other means of getting things done, that your way of achieving an objective is but one way in a sea of means in gaining the outcomes you work for, then the next 5 minutes are going to confuse you.

g. Every human born to their time will experience this phenomenon unless they are shown how to think more broadly or should I say, inclusively.

Consider the following:

Theology – who’s is right?

Ideology – When were you right?

Culture – Can you readily assimilate with others?

Sociology – Have you considered the hard-wired norms of other societies and how they can be understood to engage constructive conversation, hence possible outcomes?

Interpersonal Communications – Can you look people in the eye and say, Hello?

Some of these issues are ‘difficult’ because we have not been taught how to be inclusive in our outlook towards one another and certainly towards our race as a whole. Many still believe we are many races. It is comforting to speak with others and receive a nod of approval. Smiles that may or may not signify agreement all the while it is only the interpretation of the outcomes that we give meaning that give us a sense of achievement.

Managing people demands a more comprehensive approach towards inclusion if you seek the highest return for your intellectual capital invested. Not just games in a must go to meeting setting. More than authoritative power or title power is witnessed so often in business. I am referring to recognition for individuals as much as groups and their need to connect on a broader base of human needs called feelings that will create a self-sustaining personal desire to learn about and perform our jobs at a higher rate than experienced before. Read Alexander Kapp, 1833.

So I will share with you some insights gained from reading on Martin Ljunge.

Trust issues: Evidence on the intergenerational trust transmission among children of immigrants

Thank you for reading this article.

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Be seeing you!
Ronald M. Allen


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