Does your organization need CPR/AED
or First Aid Training/Re-Certification?
More than 4.6 million people are trained in Red Cross lifesaving programs every year. Trust us to deliver unmatched lifesaving training and supplies to your business or organization.
Serving the following counties: Burlington, Camden, Mercer, South West Ocean & Monmouth and North East Atlantic Counties of New Jersey. We also service eastern Pennsylvania and North Delaware States.
All classes require a minimum of 5 cohorts. Thank you for choosing Managing Change First Aid Services
Classes Offered
First Aid
The first aid training and certification process takes just a few hours to complete and will help your people deliver the care that someone needs if and when needed while waiting for medical professionals to arrive.
When you successfully complete any of our in-person courses, you’ll receive a two-year certification, as well as access to refreshers that can help you maintain your skills throughout your certification period. Upon successful completion, your employees will receive a 2-year Red Cross certification.
First Aid Programs for Schools
Teachers and administrators can now receive first aid training from Managing Change an American Red Cross Training provider. As part of our school program, they can also train their students in first aid for free. Find out how to join our program.
Call 1 609-247-2799 to schedule your workplace training and re-certification today.
Instruction, Training Certification and ARC Fee includes 15% discount on re-certification
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It can help save a life during cardiac arrest when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.
At the Red Cross, CPR/AED training is available for individuals, schools, healthcare providers, businesses and small businesses looking to maintain industry and regulatory standards.
Upon successful completion, your employees will receive a 2-year Red Cross certification.
Call 1 609-247-2799 to schedule your CPR training and re-certification today.
Instruction, Training Certification and ARC Fee includes 15% discount on re-certification
Managing Change First Aid’s CPR/AED training courses allow you to learn how – and when – to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). The average response time for first responders, once 911 is called, is 8-12 minutes. For each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival reduces by approximately 10%. Fortunately, with CPR/AED training, which takes just a few short hours, you can gain the skills necessary to help save a life.
Upon successful completion, your employees will receive a 2-year Red Cross certification.
Call 1 609-247-2799 to schedule your AED training and re-certification today.
Instruction, Training Certification and ARC Fee includes 15% discount on re-certification
First Aid Instruction & Re-Certification for Healthcare Professionals
When lives are on the line, it is critical first responders and healthcare staff have the skills and confidence to act in the moments that matter.
Our modern, adaptive American Red Cross Resuscitation Suiteâ„¢ for Basic Life Support (BLS)Upon successful completion, your employees will receive a 2-year Red Cross certification.In addition, our curriculum meets competency verification, education, credentialing and privileging requirements.
- Accepted by state EMS agencies in all 50 states
- Accepted by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems
- Approved for EMS continuing education by the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Education (CAPCE)
- Accepted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician’s National Continued Competency Program (NCCP)
- Satisfies The Joint Commission resuscitation education requirements for an evidence-based training program (Standard PC.02.01.11)
Call 1 609-247-2799 to schedule your healthcare professionals training and re-certification today.Instruction, Training Certification and ARC Fee includes 15% discount on
First Aid Training & Re-Certification for Organizations
(Workplace Training)
On-Site Group Training for Teams and Employees. Whether your training is required by OSHA, part of your company policy, or you simply want a safer workplace, we provide flexible training solutions designed to meet your corporate guidelines, industry compliance needs and your budget. Upon successful completion, your employees will receive a 2-year Red Cross certification. Let’s schedule your training at your office today. We can bring any of our courses to your office. Have your staff trained today!
Call 1 609-247-2799 to schedule your workplace training and re-certification today.
Instruction, Training Certification and ARC Fee includes 15% discount on re-certification
Managing Change First-Aid’s mission is to provide timely instruction and training in an affordable, convenient, and safe environment, for your business employees, individuals and support staff as needed.               The Art and Science of Saving Lives