Success: It’s All In Your Mind


Given the level of unemployment brought on by the global re-positioning of labor, people in every profession are feeling the need to revisit their fundamental and competency skills.

Success:  It’s All In Your Mind is a unique course that utilizes existing formats and identified skill sets with competencies that are transferable from industry to industry. Your current skills have provided you with unidentified opportunities that you have not recognized yet. By identifying seemingly unrelated skill sets, competencies and personal interests, you will recognize and create a path to gainful employment.

The process highlighted in this course, which the student will walk through, is designed to illuminate opportunities, rekindle past attainable work situations and give back a sense of purpose and self-worth and personal identity.

Success: It’s All In Your Mind is an experiential exercise in identifying what you naturally gravitate to and creating an actionable game plan to make it a reality.

What you’ll learn

  • Perform a comprehensive assessment of your skills
  • Identify which particular skills and competencies that need development
  • Identify skills and competencies that are fully developed that can be used in a multitude of industries

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • Must desire a personal commitment to new opportunities and self-examination of skills and competencies
  • Must have a desire to follow through with what you find as areas of development derived from this personal evaluation and skills assessment
  • Must have a drive for personal and professional development

Who this course is for:

  • Individuals that desire a proven, comprehensive, yet simple way to assess their skills and competencies
  • Individuals that desire personal development and self-improvement
  • Individuals who want to use their natural abilities and talents to earn a profitable living

Click here to enroll: