A Globally Recognized Institution Represented by a Highly Educated Shepherd

Was your curiosity peaked by the headline? Why!
If I had said African American Black Female, would you have been inclined to read this article? Why?
If we are serious about elevating the conversation our narrative must remove the words Black and White when
describing and identifying one another…other than a report about a perpetrator. By the by do you feel the pune of Her Excellency Nobles’ name presents?

Listen to this interview and learn what your children and theirs need to manage life’s inevitable changes.

MIT chancellor: What are the challenges facing higher education?


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Be seeing you!
Ronald M. Allen


Embracing the Journey

Embracing: Change is inevitable, and as we navigate life’s twists and turns, we encounter pivotal moments that test our resilience.

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Different ethical frameworks and perspectives offer varying views on the justifiability and conduct of war yet the average citizen from any time or country would want nothing to do with it.

The Morality of WAR!

“However, Northern Ireland is not generally considered a conflict zone in the same way it was during the Troubles” Ask

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