Expand Your Worldview: The Benefits of an International Perspective

Worldview: The previous posting on February 06 of his year negated the links to these media resources and examples of why you should read on a global perspective, so here is the reasoning taken from each individual media sources as of this evenings print.

Still not withstanding the original post below…
Todays technology makes watching, listening and reading news from around the world instantaneous. Learning about and hearing how other people deal with life’s challenges can arrest our own feelings of anxiety and frustration. Placing life’s issues are placed into perspective when you look at how other people successfully manage change while handeling the pain.

Take some time to listen to the following stations and with an open mind answer this one question, how can this different perspective help me to manage what I m going through? What are these people doing that I can adapt and adopt for my circumstance in creating mutually beneficial collaborative outcomes?

WION India
WION India 

NATO members tell Ukraine to consider ‘peace talks’ despite Russian aggression – How asinine that the world police asked the victim to enter into discussion with the agressor so deals can be made and the soverign rights of the Ukraine people will be negotiated away. So much for international soidarity.


We may not think much of the political engagement of our own youth, yet across the world many, youth are getting into the arena of political engagement. Dissatisfied youth in Nigeria are paying attention to todays elections and with 37 million potential votes for the asking/taking, the future may not be as some would like to expect. Perhaps the European and American youth can learn a thing or two from those who are seriously marginalized?



Celebrities helping the British NHS https://news.sky.com/video/sir-rod-stewart-on-paying-for-scans-and-his-view-on-ukraine-12818771 NHS crisis: Sir Rod Stewart sets up mobile scanning unit following call to Sky News at the end of January. A Knight who understands the true meaning of his position. That reminds me I have to send in my yearly contribution so if I need help I can fly back home and get some…help that is.

Wall Street Journal
Wall Street Journal

When it comes to your financial health via your financial wealth look no further than the eight members of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Learn more about how your economy works which directly impacts your social capability in the market and stop yelling at the wall! How a Little-Known Committee Determines the Start of a Recession


Now this you did not see coming out from the COVID pandemic, yet it is one of the most significant sustainable economic segments that has changed employment opportunities for millions of disabled Americans. Check It! Remote Work Helped Push Disability Employment Up to a Record High

CGTN China
CGTN China

This story begain back in the 60’s and yet will directly impact your children yet to be born. Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway and the Kenya Standard Gauge Railway. It is the new Silk road of economic power going into the next century.  For those who learn the two primary languages of China, for those that want to surf the economic potential of global change and most assurdly for those who wish to position themselves favorably for the opportunities that such a global initiative means, this is a story and a gambit executed by the Chinese that has implications fare into the future of international relations, social and cultural relations and true wealth building.


So science is bullshit when it comes to climate change! Really? So what about the real thing, real time? Rare snow dusts Hollywood sign as winter storm tightens grip The state I live in has had


The need for identity, cultural awarness and knowing the contributions made by your ancestors is creating educational programs that feed the minds of those who know what black people have contributed to America. At a time where highschools in Florida are electing to ‘write out’, once again the contributions of black people in America, college level courses are being develped and taught. The importance of HBCUs as they grow in popularity

NHK World Japan
NHK World Japan

Despite the worlds wars, the far right rasing its fists at more and more groups of people and the indifferance and apathy of those who are silent to domestic and civil violence, Priyanka Parashar uses music to invite auditory bonds of humanity.

Check this out and listent the other songs, stories of family, community, humanity Sustainable Development Goals are the keys to a brighter and better tomorrow. NHK WORLD-JAPAN’s mission is to raise awareness of each of the 17 SDGs among viewers and encourage them to take action.

France 24
France 24

The youth are at it again in France. Interestingly enough in America the retirement and one’s access to pensions were all navigated through the IRS extending retirement and not too many people fought back, including me. Take a read and discuss with you children for they will have to address the implications. ‘Live to work or work to live?’: Why France’s youth are fighting Macron’s pension reform

Additonal reading can be found in such sources as The Forum, Investors Business Daily, Comics for social and cultural satir and perhaps a few local publications you find at the pizza shop or hot dog stand.

Share your sources of keeping up with world news and how it impacts you and your famly?

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Ronald M. Allen

Different ethical frameworks and perspectives offer varying views on the justifiability and conduct of war yet the average citizen from any time or country would want nothing to do with it.

The Morality of WAR!

“However, Northern Ireland is not generally considered a conflict zone in the same way it was during the Troubles” Ask

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