McGuire Achievers – November 4th Virtual – Mentorship Meeting

Good afternoon all.

The benefit of our membership, dear I say fellowship, is the safe, supportive, and encouraging environment you will find yourself in. McGuire Achievers – Toastmasters International

You may say, you have come to develop your self-confidence when speaking out loud! You may say you wish to develop more leadership capabilities! You may even say, you’re looking for a place to simply develop your personal and professional character! Well, this is the place to develop all of those qualities in a safe, supportive, and encouraging community of like minded folks.

By immersing yourself in our sandpit of leaning around a community of like-minded people will prepare you for when you are being asked to present that award, that business lunch monologue, or trying to convince your significant other that their way is the right way!

All competencies start with uncertainty. Allow us to remove that uncertainty from your menu of reasons not to engage and let’s see where we all end up. These are the times to build up your speaking capability, develop your leadership acumen, and have fun in the sandpit of possibilities.

Hope to see you this evening for an hour or so of playful learning in the sandpit!

Ronald M Allen
VP Membership
McGuire Achievers Toastmasters International

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Be seeing you!
Ronald M. Allen

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