I was recently asked what were the benefits of Rotary and Toastmasters International clubs forming an alliance. Fortunately I have been a member of Rotary and even asked to run for President of a club in my state, New Jersey. I am an existing active member, holding office and coach with Toastmasters International in my neck of the woods and find the international exchange of comradery, beneficial. I recall the conversations and the perspectives from the international students that attended Prior Park College in Bath, England and I feel at home.
My response to this line of questioning was the following…
Rotarian’s 4-Way Test on the yellow wallet size card are to 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be a benefit to all concerned?
All of these tenets require cultural and emotional maturity and intelligence. The Brooklyn Rotary at one time did not allow women to be members. As clubs, sororities and the like engage with more diverse nationalities and their respective ‘tribes’, the benefit of effective interpersonal communication is self evident. Only those that resist elevating the conversation among diverse groups exhibit a immature, unevolved mindset as viewed on a global horizon.
What are your thoughts to such an opportunity?