We all go home exhausted at the end of the day. Exhausted for those that have to deal with narcissistic personalities, self-indulgent adult children at the helm of your working division and those who are simply immature in the scope of emotional development that everything is Drama! So let’s focus on more processes, more SOP’s and more oversight by the imbecile who can’t, rather does not want to self-manage, so the work can be done in a pleasant atmosphere.
Do we have to wait for another episode of going Postal, (DEATH IN THE POST OFFICE: 4 Shot Dead in New Jersey Post Office; Wide Manhunt but Motive Is Not Clear) or have we forgotten in the wake of our current climate of kids killing kids in our schools and the public violence exhibited on public pathways around the world, let along here in America.
Yes, we will bury our heads in the sand or cry, it’s all too much while there is significant research that the layperson can use to engage with others on a daily basis and manage (not police) our emotional needs.
Read on: Social and Emotional Support and its Implication for Health Your comments and constructive points of view are most welcome.