Your Stress Triggers are Unique, Your Coping Mechanism Must be Individualized

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, managing life’s challenges starts with the conversations we have with ourselves and those around us. Now it is a little strange to identify one particular month as ‘Stress Awareness Month’, since stress comes at any moment let alone relegating itself to peak during a particular month. Still, we will go with it and see what support we can come up with.

“Generally, people are more susceptible to stress during big life changes, such as moving, losing a loved one or getting married,” Kim Farris, OKCIC’s director of Behavioral Health, said. “It’s important to recognize what triggers your stress so you can develop coping strategies.”

Learn stress management skills during Stress Awareness Month

The direction you take in addressing such issues is equally important. Focus on the problem and, well, you know where that leads to. On the other hand, focusing on your future best self, and expectations of where you would rather be and be doing, sets the mind to find resolve.

Now read the following and let me know your thoughts on the preferred direction you would want for a loved one and or…yourself when you need to manage stress in your life. You Are the Agent of Change

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Be seeing you!
Ronald M. Allen

Wicked Change

When the going gets tough, the tough get going! The expression ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’,

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