When we feel down remember what and how you used in your HISTORY to realign yourself!
When we feel alone remember feeling lonely and being alone are very different emotional states. Then ask yourself what RESOURCES you can call on that is Safe, Supportive and Meaningful.
When we feel shattered by life’s challenges, family manipulations and our belief in something that “JUST AIN’T SO” at 2:23 AM or 3:47 PM ask yourself how capable do you feel now as compared to how you know you can feel when you arrest your emotions, focus your attitude and LET GO of that which WILL NOT BREAK YOU TODAY! Scale your emotions carefully.
When we feel we cannot go on and want to STOP the rollercoaster of emotional despair ask yourself this question, What is your PREFERRED FUTURE?
What does it FEEL like?
Who is in your life that supports your mental health?
Why does this preferred state matter to you?
When does this feeling kick in?
Where are you when you feel capable?
How do you know this state is RIGHT?
…a Merry Mentally Safe Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!